Getting Settled

Image showing the hiarchy you to Group Lead to Department Head to Division Director to Associate Laboratory Director

Division Directors:

AM - Stefan Wild

DD - Ana Kupresanin

NE - Sudip Dosanjh

SN - Inder Monga

Know the difference between your supervisor and a co-worker

For day-to-day direction and guidance regarding your work, your Mentor is your first point of contact.  If your mentor is not available, reach out to your Supervisor.  For administrative matters, reach out to your group's admin.  You should receive an email with these names detailed for you.

Methods of Communication

Email Communication

Email communication is less used/preferred within some groups but sometimes important announcements are broadcast to both Slack and email. It’s important to check your email daily. You can log in via using your LDAP login. 

You may want to consider forwarding your Berkeley Lab email address to one that you check regularly. Here is information regarding forwarding your Berkeley Lab email to another email account: 

If you are a student intern receiving a stipend for the summer you will receive an email with your LDAP setup instructions.

If you are a student intern through WDE program being paid weekly you will receive your LDAP at your orientation.


You should receive an invite to the Computing Sciences Area Slack ( There are three channels that are relevant to the Summer Program:

Many groups/departments have their own Slack workspaces. Your mentor will have more information.

Google Calendar

Once you have logged into your Laboratory G-mail account, use the Google waffle in the upper right corner to access your Google calendar. We will invite you to all summer program events so they should appear directly on your Laboratory calendar. 

The primary calendar where we plan the summer events is the: CS Summer Program calendar

If the events don't show up on your calendar you can subscribe to the summer calendar using this link. 

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):

Once you have activated your Berkeley Lab Identity, please enable your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). You will need the MFA to access Berkeley Lab web-based enterprise applications such as Lab email, training, and other sites requiring Berkeley Lab login credentials. As a new user, for seven days you will be able to log into your Berkeley Lab Identity using just your name and password. During that seven-day period you should follow the link that you will see on a log-in reminder ( to set up an MFA token generator. MFA tokens are generated by using either the Google Authenticator App (which can be downloaded on a Smartphone) or a Yubikey (a device that you plug into your computer). Please visit the IT page here to learn more about the MFA process or visit this link to learn additional information about how to purchase a Yubikey. For any questions about MFA, please contact the IT Help Desk via email at or call 510-486-4357. 

Image showing B65A location related to B59 and the 50 complex

Site and Building Access

If you are working on-site this year (as opposed to working remotely) one of the first tasks to complete is to get your Lab Badge.  You can do this within your first week, the sooner the better but you do not need to complete this step on your first day.

Make an appointment with the site access office to receive your badge.

Location: B65A - Located at the main bus stop

Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Your primary work location will be in either the B50 Complex 50A, 50B, 50 E or 50F, or in B59 (all locations shown on this map).  We will notify you by email of your primary desk location once it has been assigned.

For those joining us for summer : to expedite your on boarding we are arranging an appointment for you with the site access office.  We will include the date and time in your Welcome email.  If you do not receive notification that a time is set up for you please go ahead and book yourself an appointment using the button above.

Update your phonebook listing

Access the Berkeley Lab phone book and login with your LDAP select “Personal Info”.  Update your phone number/remove the phone number, enter your desk location if you are working on site, for your mail stop put the text “59R3022B” this will allow us to find any paper documents that might come for you.

Training and Work Planning & Control

Required Training

As part of your Environment, Health, & Safety (EH&S) requirement, the General Employee Radiological Training (GERT) must be completed by everyone working onsite. If you have not already done so, you will need to activate your Berkeley Lab account (LDAP) listed above. Once you complete your GERT training you will enter your Berkeley Lab Identity to receive course credit. If you do not complete GERT training, your badge will not work. LBNL takes safety extremely seriously, and there are several steps you must complete to ensure your safety as you prepare for and conduct your work.

Online Safety Courses

Complete all online training listed under your Berkeley Lab Training (BLT) profile. 

Work Planning and Control (WPC)

Work performed must be reviewed and authorized by an Activity Lead before proceeding. For interns, your mentor is your Activity Lead. Please call your mentor to request that your mentor add you to one or more work activities in Activity Manager, which is the lab’s work planning and control system (WPC). Your mentor will also review the hazards associated with that work and any necessary controls required for your protection.

Go to to access your profile, review & accept your activities, and complete the required training.

Note: you will not be permitted to begin work without completing the WPC process and the subsequent training courses.

If you need assistance with completing the WPC or other training courses, please contact your mentor/research advisor.

Image of person sitting at a desk in an office chair demonstrating how to properly sit.


We take ergonomics very seriously.   We will do what we can to do to make sure that you do not have any injury/discomfort from your workstation setup.  If you have any discomfort please reach out to your mentor.

Contact your Division's Ergo Advocate or Division Safety Coordinator if you have questions or need further assistance. 

See the Safety page within this website for more information on safety at LBNL.

Computing Sciences Area Ergo Advocates

Can I park a car on site?

Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) and Student Assistants and Interns who are not classified as a career hire parking, follows the off-hours eligibility which permits all individuals with an LBNL badge to park in any "General space" between 3 pm and 6 am Monday to Friday and all day on weekends. Parking permits are not required. see the Commuting to Berkley Lab page for more on parking permits.

Reporting your time

This will vary by person; some of you do not need to report time at all, others will have to report weekly.  If you are reporting weekly, make sure to fill out your LETS time card by the end of the day on Thursday.  You should get an email reminder to fill out your LETS.  Check with your mentor on whether you need to report time and/or for instructions and on what project ID to charge. 

For those who are reporting time