Welcome to Summer

Dear LBNL/CS Summer Program Participants,

Welcome to the 2024 Computing Sciences Area Summer Program (CSSP) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- a world leader in scientific computing and advanced networking.

Your program kicks off on, Tuesday, June 4th at 11:00 am with a short overview of the program, followed by a special introductory presentation by Ana Kupresanin, Director of the Scientific Data Division (SDD), and Stefan Wild, Director of the Applied Mathematics & Computational Research Division. Division Directors Ana and Stefan will introduce you to the summer program and the exceptional array of active research being done in the four divisions of Berkeley Lab’s Computing Sciences: Applied Mathematics & Computational Research Division (AMCR),  Scientific Data Division (SDD), the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), and the Scientific Networking Division (ESNet). 

Throughout the summer, you will have the opportunity to learn even more about the work done in the Computing Sciences Area at Berkeley Lab by attending a wide range of special events and presentations created just for our summer participants. The schedule for these events are listed on the Berkeley Lab CS Summer Program website:


We encourage you to take full advantage of everything this program offers. Each scheduled event presents the broadest view possible of working at a world-class national research facility like Berkeley Lab. We also encourage you to participate in our Slack channel to participate in group conversations with mentors and coworkers, as well as becoming acquainted with fellow students. 

The program will conclude with the opportunity for you to present a culmination of your summer’s work in your own poster to be presented at the 2024 CSSP Poster Session on Tuesday, August 6th. To ensure your success, Dr. Jonathan Carter, Associate Lab Director for Computing Sciences, will present a talk on June 18th @ 11 am, entitled  "Designing and Presenting a Science Poster". This talk will provide invaluable practical advice that will help to prepare and serve you in your chosen scientific career.

Enjoy your visit to Berkeley Lab and please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have. The following is a list of contacts for your reference: